Purchasing a home is one of the most significant financial transactions you will make in your lifetime. That said, there are many steps involved in the process, from choosing the right lender and getting preapproved for a mortgage to ultimately making an offer on the right house.
As you begin your new home search, you will no doubt be paying close attention to the features of each potential dwelling and whether or not they meet your list of qualifications. While things like an open floor plan, a newly renovated kitchen, or a large backyard may dominate your attention, it is also important to inspect the condition of the windows to determine whether or not a window replacement will be necessary before you move in.
The following is a brief checklist of common window problems to watch out for.
- Windows that stick or are difficult to open. There are several reasons why windows might stick. They may become warped or swollen with age or due to excess moisture, or it may be the result of a previous homeowner painting the window frame improperly (causing the paint to dry and stick). In any case, windows that won’t open are a hazard and may endanger you and your family in the case of an emergency. Make sure you are able to easily open and close all of the windows throughout the house.
- Visible signs of mold or water damage. Excess moisture—due to poor installation, a faulty seal, and/or weather damage over time—can lead to mold growth, which is a sure sign that your windows will need replacing. While small amounts of mold are not dangerous, it may trigger allergies or respiratory issues if allowed to grow and spread.
- Condensation between the panes of glass. Condensation along the bottom corners of a window pane is often a sign of too much moisture in the home. However, condensation between the panes of glass means your double- or triple-pane windows are no longer doing their job of keeping outside air outside. When moisture from outdoors stays trapped between the panes, it most likely means you need to replace the window.
- Noticeable drafts or ventilation issues. If you feel a draft when standing near a window, it may be time to replace the weather stripping that helps keep the outside air out and the climate-controlled inside air in. Drafts may also be a sign that your windows are not as energy efficient as they should be. In that case, the glass itself could be the cause of the drafty feeling. Replacing older windows with newer, more energy-efficient styles and materials will not only make a big difference in your comfort level but will also keep your utility bills manageable.
And obviously, if you notice any broken windows or cracks in the glass, or if the window frames are damaged, you will definitely want to replace those problem windows before you move in.
Have you spotted a potential window problem? Consider a professional inspection.
If you are considering buying a home but notice the windows are in poor condition, it may be a good idea to have them professionally inspected before making an offer. A quality window installer should provide a free estimate to help you decide whether or not the windows need replacing.
Locally owned and operated, XO Windows is widely known for our superior craftsmanship and outstanding customer service. Contact us today for your free estimate.